Monday, February 25, 2008

The rest of the haircut story :)

Alright, so what you couldn't see in Asher's hair was the minor mistake on the other side of his head behind his ear! :) I decided that I could fix it with Lee's beard trimmers, but it was much easier said than done! Asher was leaning his head into the vibrating beard trimmers, and although they weren't hurting him I couldn't see that it was taking off more than I wanted!!! Soooooo, Lee made the executive decision to just shave his head! I was pretty sad, but at least he doesn't look like he has patchy hair! Poor guy! I'm pretty embarrassed, but not enough to not posts the pics! Hehehe!

Here's the picture of what Asher's hair looked like after the scissor cut I did. Not too bad, just a few spots to blend behind the ears, and a little hard to see in this pic!

Here's the pic of the "after Momma used the beard trimmers" look. So, if he hadn't been leaning into the beard trimmers...I guess I should have waited for Lee to come home and help me with it! Hahaha!

Another angle of the crazy mess I made of my son's hair!!! I know, pretty bad! Poor guy!!!

Here's what Daddy did with the beard trimmers!!! He's still such a cutie, and I think he was proud of his hair do! :)

When his hair dries it gets lighter, so he almost looks bald! I know it will grow, and Lee said it will be thicker when it grows in. He'll have a little more hair tomorrow! And he's still sooo cute!!! I'm a little biased, though!

So, that's my whole story! I'm still very proud of girls' hair, and I SOOOOO glad that I didn't do this much damage to their hair!!! That would have been devastating! I guess I'm just not good with the beard trimmers! Hahaha! I'm also glad that it wasn't Lee's hair! That would have been an interesting conversation starter! I think I'll stick to letting him pay for his haircuts! :)


Janelle and Ella said...

I think he looks adorable too!! And yes, it will grow fast.

Justin said...

He just has an early summer cut:) Cutie pie!

Justin said...
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Funky Cold Medinas said...

Jeff is trying to convince me to cut Gideon's hair because it's growing into a curly-headed mullet. But I love it. I'm trying to talk Jeff into waiting until Gideon is two before we cut his hair. I don't think I'm going to win that argument. But how did you get Asher to sit still?

carleigh said...

that is so funny! he'll look back at those pictures someday, and ask, mom, what were you thinking? he looks cute with the buzz cut, though- at least he was a boy so you could fix it that way!!

FordeFam said...

Hahaha! I know, that's what I was thinking! :) Oh, and I had to hold him still while Lee had the trimmers, which is why the original cut didn't turn out so well! :) I tried to do it on my own and he was squirming and leaning into the trimmers! Hehe!

Michelle said...

ha ha ha...i just did the same thing to keegan..but with scissors. i decided to do it during a rain storm and at the exact time it thundered i cut up. so his hair line in the back is an inch above where it is supposed to be. next time i am taking him to get it cut!!!