Kind of having a "feeling sorry for myself" day! Don't like those days, and especially on Lee's long week! At least I have my trusty coffee! ;) I really need to practice what I preach to myself. I need to focus on the things that are true, noble, right, good, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy! I am normally a very optimistic person, but when I get down, I let myself whallow in it! Being a full time mom is definitely a hard thing when you are a social person! Okay, so now I'm going to stop complaining and start listing things that are true and noble and right and good and lovely and admirable and excellent and praiseworthy! Here's to a happy heart (like I tell my girls to have):
1. I have 5 wonderful blessings for my family; Lee, Zoe, Lenci, Asher and Camille.
2. I get to spend everyday with 4 out of 5 of those precious blessings!
3. I have a hard working husband who loves me and our children.
4. I have a wonderful Saviour who has given me the scripture in which to encourage me to make this list (Phil. 4:4-8)!!! (This should have been first!)
5. I have wonderful friends and family who support me when I need a hand in keeping my little blessings busy, or when I just need someone to talk to!
6. We have a darling rent house that I get to live in right now! I have been really enjoying getting organized and decorating this cute little house!
7. I'm getting better at cooking and I'm even starting to enjoy it!
8. I know that even when I'm here all day, feeling mundane, Jesus is here with me...and He wants me to NEED Him!!!
9. My tomato plant is giving us TONS of tomatos (I haven'd yet watered it, but I think I should water it today, considering that it hasn't rained in a few)!!!
10. We have a great landlord, live in a great neighborhood, have great neighbors (a stay at home mom next door!), have a back yard, and we're within 8 minutes from 2 malls and a Super Target!!! :)
Soooo...I'm feeling better already! Started the list weepy, ended the list happy! Still doesn't make me ALL better, but my mind is focused more on the good! :) Maybe my day will start looking up. I should think of something fun to do with my a craft of some kind! ;)
Here are some pics of my blessings!

Asher's new funny face!

Lenci posing for me!!!

Zoe in her Cinderlla costume (that she wears everyday, almost)!

Camille chillaxin'!!!

Our tomato harvest, just a portion of what we have had this year!!!
Blessings and sorry for my melancholy mood! ;)
Love you all,
Maia ><>
I hear you sweet sister!! I have been fighting a melancholy mood at some point every day! Call it baby blues or what ever but I call it STINKY!! Thanks for sharing and being real and striving to to please God in the midst of it!! Hope it all works out with the pup!
I want to read this post.......and I will after I put Hannah down, but for now I just wanted to write and tell you thank you so much for the encouragement and the prayers. We have GOT to get our kiddoes together! I can do it anytime, we'd love to come see your house!
hey, don't apologize for a melancholy mood!! we all have them- they are often for me! i don't know how you do it with 3 little ones and a puppy. you are a brave woman. i couldn't even handle a puppy when i was just a newly wed... we ended up giving it away! its a hard job, and its good you get out the blues in a constructive way!!
I liked your sweet blessings! What a great idea. Puppy's are so hard! I am so sorry! Can you crate train her? Meaning that is where she sleeps at night or when she is alone? Our oldest Dog ate FIVE couches before I met Dave! On the good side, I don't get too upset when one of the boys spills. I just call on Annie the "instant vacuum!"
I hope you are feeling better today. It's definitely okay to get in those moods. You are so good to make the list to help cure yourself. I would have just moped in my bad mood! We should definitely get together!!
Hey - not to sound like a broken record, but sometimes the joy of the Lord is hard to find. Stresses load up and then our little selves can't handle it - - but good for you and listing things to be joyful about. I remember my brother making me do that all the way around the DBU track when I was in my first semester and having a hard time adjusting. I was having a hard time listing things for that long...but it did help, and I've never forgotten it.
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