Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today was the first day of school!!!

Today was our first day of school!!! Zoe started Pre-Kindergarten and Lenci and Asher started Pre-School!!! :) They had sooo much fun! I have been preparing for a while, but like my typical self I stayed up until 2am setting everything up for calendar and weather stuff for them!!! That got me really excited!!! I'm very proud of my official looking "closet school board"!!! We don't have an extra room for school, so I put all of the school calendar stuff inside the closet and all of their work on the outside of the closet!!! :) I decided to copy my friend, Katie, and do yummy chocolate doughnuts on the first day of school!!! They were soooo excited! :) The way the calendar was set up, the kids couldn't even see that there was a class in the closet, so when we opened the door they were sooooo surprised!!! Zoe started jumping up and down!!! The curriculum that I have is a unit study curriculum that lays everything out for me, so it went very smoothly because I filled in my lesson plans for the week with her stuff and then did extra things that I knew the kiddos would love!!! :) I had to tweek a few things for Asher and Lenci, but they had so much fun! Asher even participated in saying the pledge!!! It was so cute! I need to get them on video after we say it a few more times! So sweet! I was glad that I had a participation chart, so that they had to participate in each activity to get an apple sticker for their apple tree!!! It really helped them to stay on task and not just wander around like they are usually allowed to do, for drinks or blankets or whatever! I know tomorrow will go even smoother because now they know that they get a sticker for participating, whereas today they weren't sure what I meant! It still went EXTREMELY well considering!!! I am just soooo thankful that we recovered from the stomach bug we had over the weekend in time to start school!!! I could not believe when Zoe got sick on Friday and then it was me on Saturday!!! I'm the one it has taken the longest to get well, but that just goes with being pregnant I guess!!! :) I know it wasn't very smart to stay up until 2am, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do, and boy was it worth it this morning to see their faces!!! :) I can't wait until tomorrow!!! So much more fun stuff to learn and teach!!!


Momma B. said...

Yay!! SO FUN! Good for you!

carleigh said...

i am so impressed... i know how hard it is to teach 3 levels at once, (my mom taught 4 of us at one time)... but am not ready to take on that task on my own! and you being pregnant!

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

You rock! They appear to love school with you too! That's awesome!

carleigh said...

oh my gosh!! i love your new picture at the top of the blog! it is the cutest!

Shawna said...

hey! don't you love that song?! yes, it's written for her children. i love it. it can also be applied to your husband too, i think. :)

a friend sent it to me as a gift on mother's day...love them! enjoy. :)

Audrea Medina said...

Wow. Impressive work...