Tuesday, September 23, 2008

School Days

A lot has gone on the last few weeks here! It seems that time has flown, since we are in the 4th week of school! It has had it's challenges and successes! One thing I did not anticipate was the challenge it would be for them to have to stick to a subject. I am learning that the more prepared I am for their school, the easier it is for them to attain all of their stickers for their charts!!! :) I am progressively getting better at being prepared, and the kids are getting better at knowing what is expected! :) The great thing is that they have prizes that they can attain for participation, and they get small prizes at the end of each day and bigger prizes at the end of the week if they get the whole week filled up! It only took the first week for Lenci to realize that she really didn't get her prize! It's been harder on her, just because she is much more stubborn, and she's a younger, but I know that this structure is good for her! She has actually been falling asleep during nap time since we started school. Not every day, but I think all of the thinking and concentration is burning some of her energy. :) I am so amazed by them every day! Asher is a hand full and makes our day much busier, but he has sooooo much fun doing school! I have a video of them singing their days of the week song and pledging, but it's really dark, so I'm going to try it again in a more well lit room or something! It's too funny! :) Even Asher is into it! One day I ended up having to do school during Asher's nap time, and it went much smoother, but he loves it so much and I really think it's good for him to be involved. :) I obviously have three different levels to accommodate, making it even more of a challenge, but it is a fun one! We have had field trips, done art projects, made stories, and learned many new things! Here are just a few of the pictures!!! :)

I will leave you with these!!! Haha! I know there are tons of pictures, and there are many others that didn't make the "cut"! ;) I'll have more later! I just waited too long to post, so this is what happens! :) Oh, and I helped them with their playdough prizes (butterfly, car, teapot)!!! :) Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

Momma B. said...

Man, do we miss the Science Museum! Looks like you guys are keeping busy!