Saturday, November 3, 2007

A pretty, but not the most, embarressing moment!

Hahaha! Okay, this happened a few months ago, but I'm wearing the t-shirt, so it reminded me and I thought some of you would get a kick out of this!!! Well, my family was in town and we decided to take them to our fun mall over here!!! :) Ours has an Old Navy in it and everything, so we were all 10 shopping there! I was SUPER excited when I saw some of their really cute, comfy and fun t-shirts on sale!!! I was extremely happy to see a few that I liked that were girly and in colors I like with phrases that REALLY exemplify my hobbies, tastes and interests! I ended up getting 3 of them since they were only $3.00!!! Yep! I picked the adorable pink rooster one, the yellow one with flowers and the phrase "Love is in the air" and the third one was one of my favorites, is brown and it says "Write it down"! I especially liked that one because I write EVERYTHING down!!! Lists, poems, stories, journaling, blogging, love notes, class notes, sermon notes, name it, I write it! I'm not sure if any of it's good or not, since I'm really the only critic (and of course I like it...most of the time), besides Lee sometimes, and he likes my stuff!!! :) Ha, but, getting back to the point, I was sooo excited about my new shirts, so I decided to wear my WONDERFUL communicative brown t-shirt to Lee's office the next day, since my family was going to go and eat lunch with my hubby-poo!!! I'm getting dressed and I laid the shirt on the bed face down and I noticed that there was something else on the back!!! Hehe, not only is it on the back, but as I was kind of moving and unfolding the shirt I noticed that it was something written on the lower part of the back of the shirt. It's one of those longer ones, which made me like it even more, but I bought it without trying it on first, so this was the first time for me to read the back of the shirt!!! is what is on the back of the shirt, right above the seam (which happens to land right around the hiney area): 415-555-7452!!! Hahahah! Yep! A phone number, which I immediately called to make sure it wasn't bad!!! :) It wasn't a working number, so don't worry! I'm jusst glad I noticed it, cause can't you just see little ol' me walking around with a phone number on my hiney and the front of my shirt says "Write it down"!!! Ya! Well, I went ahead and wore the shirt with my family to Lee's work just so I could be silly and make him laugh (and my family said they thought it would be funny and not bad), but needless to say, that was the last outing in that one!!! I was a little disappointed...okay, VERY disappointed!!! I thought I was buying a shirt that displayed my enjoyment of writing and the arts...not so, my friends, not so!!! :) The moral of the story is, read the fronts and backs of all of your clothes before you buy them, and especially if you plan on wearing them in public!!! :)

On another are a few cute pics of my chickadees!
Happy fall and here's to a prayer for some more cool weather out here!!!

Here is Zoe in her early Thanksgiving wear, special thanks to Aunt Tracy!!!

Here is Lenci wearing her matching American indian feather Thanksgiving hat thingy!

And here is Asher, chewing on a giant iguana tail!!! :) Teehee!


Mandy said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I have visited your blog before, but never commented because I didn't think you knew me! Glad to have a new fellow blogger - I've heard a lot about you too from my sister and Kelli! By the way, I was singing the country song "Check yes or no" for a while after your comment on my blog!

Angel2 said...

I LOVE this- so funny! I'd wear that t-shirt all the time!

Hey, when can we set up a play date?


Angel2 said...

I LOVE this- so funny! I'd wear that t-shirt all the time!

Hey, when can we set up a play date?


lisa said...

Love the story. It's funny you mention it because I am a sucker for a tee with something clever written on it. I've been going through a lot of major changes lately, and just last week wanted to dress myself in something really cute, but casual, and edgy too. (I still have a little of the "I gotta be me" syndrome left over from highschool.) I have a ton of shirts with stuff written on them; but as I looked through the closet, I started to realize they weren't shirts that REALLY reflected who I am. I kept going "um, no." and "now that's not a very nice thing to say..." So needless to say, it's time for a closet cleaning, and I WILL look at both the front and back of any shirts I buy in the future. :)

I love to read your writings. They're both familiar and often give me some needed inspiration too. Keep it up!