Wednesday, March 2, 2011


What do you do with a dream? When a dream has been dreamed for so long you can't even remember when you started dreaming it, what do you do when you are all grown up and still dreaming about it? It's not a bad dream, or even an unreasonable dream, but it is a hard dream. It is a dream that will take hard work and vision and passion and time. And sometimes its a scary dream. Sometimes you don't want to have the dream anymore. It's much easier and safer not having or living the dream. But, this dream keeps coming back. You wonder if it's really your dream, or a romantic notion that's not really for you, but for someone else who is living the dream. You think about all of the hardships that this dream could entail should it come to fruition, and then wonder if you should ignore it altogether. And then you think about all the people you've told about your dream and wonder what they think about the fact that it IS just still a dream... Do you go on dreaming? Do you try and change your dream? Is this being disloyal to your dream? Maybe the dream was something that you only thought you could pull off, but you're just too weak. Or maybe it's okay to still dream? When you are washing dishes and loading the laundry up, does the dream change anything? You would still be doing these things if you were living "the dream". Do you let the dream go? When it's in God's hands to bring things together for this dream to become a reality, is it a dream given by God, or is it something that is conjured and wanted by self? Even if the dream isn't about material things, is it okay to hold on to the dream? Is this dream something that will be easily accomplished in the next "stage" of my life, when my kids are a little older and less dependent on their Momma entirely?

I will give this dream to God. I will let Him work it into being. I will not waste my time thinking about what could be and lose what is already. That's when a dream should be really scrutinized. It doesn't matter what others are seeing about my dreams and the plans that the Father has for our family. The dream may change some. Dreams are hazy, after all, they have not yet created a memory. I pray that my dreams will take a backseat and that I will not live for some day, but for now! We are not promised tomorrow. We are gifted the now. I pray that I can grasp this and RUN with it. I will still dream, but with open eyes of hope, not with closed eyes of disappointment that things are not moving in my timing. My dream is not what is important, but the dream that God is working is. I'm sure I'm not the only one with these thoughts. Maybe it's my stage of life? :)

Proverbs 16:9
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."

And now some pictures! :)

5 Things I'm Thankful for:
1. The finished sock! :)
2. The matching sock started! :)
3. my crockpot
4. our new abacus for math
5. my vacuum cleaner

Philippians 1:6
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

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