Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm proud to say... I'M BACK! At least for now I can say I have blogged twice this month! :) I may not have much to say this week, but I'm here! :) I have really been taking this years resolutions seriously, and I resolved to blog once a week at least! I have also really been trying to find real ways to balance my life with order and family time so that there is a more natural flow! I float somewhere between the artsy frazz and the get with it gal to create this frazzed out momma never feeling like I'm meeting my own expectations! I guess that's what it's all about, though! I have been reading a few super blogs about organizing, simplifying, and passionately living completely aware of each moment and grasping each memory! I had talked before the new year about really focusing on trying to live more with intention than in survival mode all the time! God has more for our lives than just mere survival! I have read the first 3 chapters of Piper's book "Don't Waste Your Life" a few times (I have a problem with moving forward if I have waited too long, not that I know what that time frame is...haha), and these ideas are all there, but it's been sooooo refreshing to hear these ideas from these ladies who have blogged lately on all of these topics! I feel such a kindred spirit with them, but then look at myself and my shortcomings only to see them as somehow "above" me in a way. I am continuously learning how to better manage my home and the needs of my family, and I'm so glad that these ladies have posted such genuine blog posts! They have let us all know that they are real too! Our blogs don't show the mess of cracker crumbs that our little munchkins just threw all over the floor behind us, right! ;) We all have our days, and I know that I am learning these things in just the way I am so that I can take others through what and how I have learned! I am glad that I have posted tonight! ;) Another thing I can mark on my list to remind myself that I can resolve to do things and follow through with them, so if this post isn't for anyone else, it was for me! ;) Blessings!

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
2 Corinthians 12:9


Anonymous said...

Great post Maia!! I am so happy you are posting once a week! ;)

The Allens said...

I'm now a follower! So, I'll be looking forward to a weekly update about how your family's doing! :) Miss you and your sweetness.

Hope said...

I love that you said :living with intention." I'm going to make that a new mantra for myself!

alicia kristine said...

LOVE this post... preachin' to the choir honey... to live with intention... I would love to read the book you mentioned... can you post some of these awesome blogs you have been reading... this house over here is shifting too and don't worry about feeling like you are playing catch up... feeling like that over here... LOVE the scripture... may have to post it too!!! Keep it up with the blog and don't be a stranger;)!

FordeFam said...

Thanks friends! I'm not doing so hot on the the reply's on here! :) I'm enjoying blogging again! :)