Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hmmm...deep thought?

I just heard about the recent food rationing going on in various parts of the nation, and it was a bit of a shocker, but after a good talk with my mom on the phone I feel much better about things! I think it would be beneficial for churches to start thinking in the mentality of the New Testament church and help each other relearn how to cook and sew and garden and raise farm animals! Maybe I'm a little crazy sounding, but it wouldn't hurt us to become more simple, or "GREEN" if you like! :) If all the restaurants closed how many people would starve...well, they would just eat nasty tasting food for a while because America is out of the habit of doing for themselves in the way of cooking, cleaning and making! I am just now learning many of these things, myself, so I am not pointing my finger at anyone without including myself in the crowd!!! I just think that it would be good for us to start having a mentality of working for what we have instead of getting things without consequences like...PAYING FOR THEM!!! Hahaha! Just kidding, but really, we live such a plush life here! Life is not about being comfortable! I REALLY think it would be beneficial for women's ministries to include things like cooking, cleaning, sewing, saving, and maintaining things!!! Also, what about clothes programs for churches? I've heard about women who get together with their kids and friends and do clothing swaps...what a great idea for a church to start!!! I know it would take someone to organize and run it, but it would be so helpful for families and it would build relationships within the body!!! We would know one another's needs and work together the way the church did in Acts!

I don't know! I don't really think this is too far fetched...


Justin said...

I don't think you are too crazy! I am in the process of learning to sew and we have been eating a lot more at home lately. I would love to have a garden; it is just a matter of space... hopefully someday!
I love the idea of the Body really acting in such a way to share their knowledge of these things and to take care of each other. It is just going to take people who are really passionate about it to get things moving- maybe you are that woman...

Janelle and Ella said...

I love this idea. The whole food shortage thing is kind of freaking me out too. Maybe I need to talk to your mom. :-)

carleigh said...

i really wish that i could sew! and i can pretty much cook, but if i had to grow my own stuff, we would probably starve!

FordeFam said...

Hahaha! I got the idea when I read online about the food rationing in Great Britian in World War II! I thought it was pretty clever, but one of their slogans was "Dig for victory!" meaning that they encouraged gardening and stuff! It actually calmed me down and helped me to be more logical!!! :) Plus the fact that God is, like, sovereign and stuff! Hehe!

Abby said...

I don't know why, but lately I've been so drawn to the idea of family simplicity - cooking simple food, making simple clothes, linens, even toys - not quite to the gardening and chickens yet, but I think it's something we've so lost and it really is sad. I think. Preach on, sister! :)