Thursday, May 29, 2008

A little fun!!!

Check out the Name Advisor I added in the side column!!! It's fun to plug in your names and see what they think would be a great name for your children!!! I plugged in our names and then changed out first, middle and combinations just to see all of the ideas they had!!! It was REALLY funny some of the names that came up!!! What was also fun was plugging in names of friends and seeing what they should name their children according to the name advisor!!! Hilarious! :) Let me know what you think! There were a few names that came up that I have liked in the past, but there were some that were just plain CRAZY!!! Hahaha! Hope you enjoy! :)

Also, here are some pictures of our 3 when they were just born! Hahaha! Just for kicks... :)

Here's our newborn Zoe!!! :)

Here's us with newborn Lenci!!! :)

Here's newborn Asher!!!


Janelle and Ella said...

That's really fun! I've never seen that.

carleigh said...

ok, so if i ever have another boy, his name should be lawson, and if its a girl, her name should be tanner. (i thought tanner was a boys name!) that's pretty fun!