Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Grace and Peace...

I haven't written in a while again! It's been busy here! Lee started a new sales job yesterday and he quit the other one last Thursday so he was able to have some time with us!!! It was sooooo nice to have him home so much and it made him feel ready to start all the hard work again! We were able to watch a movie at night after the kids were asleep and not worry that he might oversleep! Hahahah! I guess I have pictures to post too, from Easter and our tumbling station and our new fish! :) Yah, I'm not crazy by adding two more crazies to the mix! We decided that Camille, our doggy, was just too much to handle for me with so much going on! We found her another home and got two goldfish in her place. I was sad even though I was the one who decided she had to go! The goldfish have been a great distraction for the girls! Zoe and Lenci have already been able to help more by feeding them and stuff, and Asher is mesmerized by their swimming!!! What an adventure!!! At least we know now that in a few years, when we are ready to get a dog, we'll spend time researching what dog will best fit our family! I think I felt too guilty to get rid of her before, but then Lori and I were talking and she told me that the day before our conversation her MOPS group had talked about pets and how if they weren't complimenting the family and felt more like another "child" to care for that it might be something to adjust so that the family can be more at peace! I REALLY needed to hear that!!! We really have had a peace about it! :)

I was looking at some pictures of the past year and a half and remembering how far God has brought us!!! I am amazed at His tender mercies and His provisions!!! I am amazed at His grace to us!!! I am amazed at His sweet gifts to us as His children, and I’m meaning this in both spiritual and physical!!! God is soooooo good!!! He amazes me! I look at some of those pictures and remember where we were and know that only the LORD has sustained us by His power! Lee started selling cars a year and a half ago and ended this last year at 7th in the nation for Suzuki sales in 2007!!! Those sales were gifts from God! There is no doubt in our minds that they were provisions from the Lord!!! We NEVER in our wildest dreams imagined Lee selling cars, much less being in the top 10 of the nation for his sales! He’s great with people, but only God can pull that off!!! I am just sooo thankful for Him! It makes everything worth it!!! Just as Romans 8:28 says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I am thankful for those times when we had to soooo readily rely on Him, and there are more days like that than not! There are still days when sales are low and we are wondering what we’re going to do and the Lord will bring in a sale or an unexpected bonus and it meets our need when we have it. I’m not even sure why I’m posting this...I was just moved and wanted to share! We sure don’t have everything together and all figured out!!! I’m sooooo grateful that our LORD does! I am such a worrier and when I look back at my life I just laugh at why I would ever find the need to worry! Thank You, Lord! So many days I look at what we have and want more, but today I look at what we had and see more! We are ALL blessed! Those pictures have just reminded me of all of the provision God has given throughout my life! There are so many stories to tell...

...so, here are a few pictures that tell a little...

Here are a few pictures from Easter!

...a few little friends...

...the Tumbling Station...

Here are the new fishy's!!! :)

A head shot of me and Lee!!! Awww!

This picture is from last year around this time, for the sake of the memories part of my blog! ;)

I know the pictures and comments are all caddy-wampus...does anyone know of an easy way to make sure your comments and pictures align right in the blog besides putting miles between pictures and comments? Just wondering!

Grace and peace.
Maia ><>


carleigh said...

hey maia,
i always feel convicted when i read posts like this one. i too often focus on the negative in my life, and this is the second blog i've read today that encourages us to do the opposite, and choose joy.

Janelle and Ella said...

This is an amazing post!! I can relate 100% with you and having to rely on God when it seems this paycheck is not going to be enough. We have been going through it. It was very encouraging for me to read your testimony and see how God carried you through and delivered you. Thank you!

Justin said...

Good stuff my friend... over and over and over, He proves himself faithful!
As for the puppy- I would highly recommend a beagle when you start to look again! Kyleigh is a great part of our family, and Elizabeth really loves her.
As for the pictures, I usually mess with the html coding until I get them how I want them; it is quite frustrating!
Oh yeah, and they are going to sell our house when we move out; would you be interested in buying or just renting?