Saturday, May 12, 2007

Our Pet...

Well, I think that the first "real" thing I will blog will be about our "pet". We recently transferred it because it is not what we thought it was. Yes, it sounds heartless...but...well...I thought I would pick some beautiful buttercups from our flower beds in the front yard. I pulled them at the root so that I could put them in a vase and they would last longer and be fresh in my kitchen. About a week later, they were still green, but most of the leaves were gone and I was just looking at them to see if I should throw them out and get new ones or what. All of a sudden I started feeling chill bumps come up on my arms...and there it was! I think my brain sensed it before my eyes realized what I was seeing...a caterpillar! A BIG GREEN CATERPILLAR!!! And when I say was almost the size of my pinky finger!!! I still itch thinking about it! Okay, so, I decided that I would keep it and be a great mom by "raising" a butterfly! It was kind of cute, kind of...and when it became a butterfly it would be beautiful. Plus, the girls would be able to learn about God's creation! Wow, so I was pumped! I waited a day to show Zoe, and she was soooo excited! By then all of the leaves were gone. I went to the front yard to pick some more buttercups so that it would have something to eat. I had also forgotten to tell Lee about it, so I let Zoe call him to tell him the big news!!! I was telling my sister about the newest addition to our family, and she was all excited for us! She has taken part in family projects like this one, so she has experience! She came over the next day to see our little green creature and she said that the hair on the back of her neck stood up as well! It did not look like the pretty little monarch was bigger...with a horn on it's tail...and ours was green as opposed to black and white and yellow. She called me the next day and we were looking for what this little guy was going to become...and she found it! I was in denial for about 3 or 4 hours! It was going to become a White Lined Sphinx Moth! Those things are comparable in size to a hummingbird!!! Okay, so I was REALLY freaked...and Zoe was all upset about the pictures of this huge moth (it gets like 6 inches, I think, in wing span). So, I thought I would try to keep it, but I only had it in a jar and I was having to feed the caterpillar everyday by picking new buttercups out of the flowerbed in the front yard. On our way out the door last week for church, I told Lee that we needed to get more buttercups for our little Mr. Caterpillar Friendy. Lee said we could wait until after church. We got home and I noticed Lee looking around. I knew it! The caterpillar had escaped and was looking for food!!! By this time, our little pet was the size of my middle finger in width and length!!! We found him in the threshold of the doorway, but that was when I decided that our little pet would have to go outdoors. So, we now have an outdoor pet caterpillar, after the agreement that the girls could hold Mr. Caterpillar Friendy and that they could be the ones to take him to the buttercups in the front yard! :) Soooo...I thought I could handle it, and now I know that I can, as long as he's in the front yard. ;) I will post the pictures of the girls and the release as soon as I can! Hahaha! What an experience!

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