Friday, May 18, 2007

Fillings... :0

Well, I had my first fillings on Wednesday!!! I have never had cavities until now, and I have been fearing this idea of going to the dentist!!! I have been experiencing weird feelings in my molars for a little while, but since I have never had cavities I didn't know how bad it would be! I kept telling Lee that worst case scenario would be dentures!!! ;) But...I really didn't think that I would be that extreme! Hahaha!!! I ended up having SIX cavities!!! Yah! I haven't been to the dentist for like 9 years (last trip was to get my wisdom teeth out)! We have recently been able to get insurance, and I have never had problems...well, until now! I am sooooo thankful to God for dental insurance!!! The dentist fixed 4 cavities on Wednesday and next week I GET to go again and have the last couple of cavities taken care of and my teeth cleaned! EEK!!! I don't really look forward to the horrifying screech of the drill!!! I was telling Lee and my sister that they really could make a horror film and use the drill as a sound effect!!! That one would be ONE SCARY MOVIE!!! :) Anyway, I was trying to pretend I was at the spa or something, since the kids were with Lee and all, but somehow it wasn't working...hehehe. I was also praying that I would not feel anything! And, you know, I didn't! And afterward, I still didn't feel or taste anything until like an hour or two!!! I was talking soooo weird and I felt like my right side of my mouth was the size of my whole head!!! :) I just kept telling myself how wonderful the LORD is that we have insurance!!! I really am soooo thankful, even though I have to go back this coming week! It's not so fun, but I know I need to get these teethies taken care of!!!
Thank you God for health and dental insurance!!! :) Lee's next!!! :)

1 comment:

Momma B. said...

Oh, Man!! That's no fun!! I have really soft enamel so I get cavaties unless I am super diligent with my tooth care! I once had 9, YES, 9 cavaties filled all at once!!! I was drooling and I couldn't talk audibly. YAY!!! for insurance!!