Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day In Real Time

Our Mother's Day this year was what being a mother is all really about! We had a sick little guy on our hands, so I didn't get to go with my family to church! I was disappointed since this is a special day for me as a mother, and since it is my one social activity that I have on a weekly basis!!! I had to remind myself that I was being a momma, and I still had a special mother's day. Zoe gave me a drawing she made and Lee watched the munchkins while I went to the store to pick out a few things for myself (alone time)! Then, Asher-baby started feeling better, so we made our way over to see my mom. It was a nice day, even though I was hoping to get to church that morning. Oh, well. We worshiped God by spending some family time together!
Thank you, Lord, for our family's health and for allowing me to be a mommy! I praise You for my family! It is a gift from You!


Janelle and Ella said...

Happy Mother's Day!! I'm glad you had a good day even with a sick baby. Ella got sick also on Mother's Day but it was that night so we still got to spend a great day together.

Linda D said...

Hey Maia!
I am glad you are blogging, it is fun! I love Boz. Hannah was really getting into Backyardigans, so then we just quit watching any kind of videos, I wanted her to play more and not want to be in front of the t.v. Anyways, Boz is a treat! We try not to watch it too much, but we love it. And no matter what anyone says she has learned alot from Boz....she tries to count, she tries to say her colours, and is learning her shapes! And, they pray at the end of each episode and she loves to pray with them! anyways, yeah so that is it! how are y'all?