Thursday, August 20, 2009

Business as usual!

I have been away for while again, busy as usual!!! I need to set aside a day that I sit down and blog, but I haven't determined that yet, so we shall see! Anyway, I thought I would update you all as to what has been recently keeping me sooo busy! Haha. Well, Lenci turned 4 on the 18th!!! I cannot believe it!!! We have had two family parties so far, with two more on the cLendar for this weekend! Haha! It's been super fun! She is getting to be such a sweet young lady! The other night I was refilling drinks at the table and I overheard Lenci informing her siblings that she was a "woman"! Hahaha! I explained to her that she is a little woman, but not quite a real woman. Never a dull moment... :)
The other thing that is consuming my life at the present is Titus!!! He started standing about a month ago, and I am shocked that he isn't walking around even though he's only 7 1/2 months old! He has taken a step 3 different times and then he bonks his bottom down again. I was thinking he may skip crawling, but since he started the crawling stage his EXTREME ambition to walk and keep up with his siblings has slowed down some. I am, however, constanly following him around and saving his little life from the choking hazards his big brother and sisters have been leaving around! Wow!
We are also sooo excited about starting kindergarten homeschooling Zoe!!! We have lots of friends at church who will be doing school too, and I'm super excited!!! We have her curricullum all picked out and will be starting school after Labor Day! :) Yay! She is already doing some very basic reading and I look forward to teaching her phonics!!! She's a great student and loves to learn! Pictures are soon to come! :)

1 comment:

Hope said...

Yeah, you have four little kiddos; I'm sure you ARE busy all the time. But good for you for making time to sit down and blog. :)
I can't believe your 7 month old is walking! That's nuts! And good for you for homeschooling. You're sounding more and more like the Pioneer Woman. Have you ever heard of her? She has 4 kids, homeschools them all, does amazing cooking, fantastic photography, is writing a book, does home and garden, blogging, etc. Check her website:
When I compare you to her, I mean it as a compliment to you!